Tuesday Jun 11, 2024

Dismantling the Administrative State: Understanding Project 2025's Second Pillar

Welcome to day two of our in-depth review of Project 2025. In today's episode, we delve into the second promise of the conservatives' presidential transition plan, focusing on dismantling the administrative state and returning self-governance to the American people.

If you missed the first episode, we covered the initial promise, which centers on making families the core of American life and protecting children. We highly recommend catching up on that to get a comprehensive understanding of Project 2025.

In this episode, we explain what the administrative state is, discuss the five pillars of debate surrounding it, and explore the arguments for and against its existence. We also take a closer look at the potential impacts of restructuring government agencies, and the controversial Schedule F executive order from the Trump administration.

Tune in as we break down the conservative vision for a smaller government and the implications of their proposed changes. Don't miss out on this critical analysis of what could shape the future of American governance.

Stay informed, and make sure to vote wisely. Catch us next time for the continuation of our Project 2025 series. Till then, tater tots!

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